前兩天終於看了很多媒體和觀衆都很夯的"Waitress"。這個片子在去年一月在日舞影展(Sundance Film Festival)首映,然後在五月在一些戲院上映。最近它的DVD已經上市,我們也有機會從Red Box裏借來看(我可能會去買它的DVD吧...)。
大家如果有看過這個片子,就會知道裏頭有一首女主角小時候媽媽在教她做派時唱給她聽的歌... 很可愛啊。我後來發現原版的歌曲叫做"Baby Don't You Cry",也有人叫它"The Pie Song"。如果還沒看過這部影片,有機會一定要看看啦。
Baby Don't You Cry (The Pie Song) - Quincy Coleman
When the world is gray and bleak
Baby don't you cry
I will give you every bit of love that is in my heart
I will bake it up into a simple little pie
Baby don't you cry gonna make a pie
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Baby don’t be blue
Gonna make for you
Gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle
Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby don’t you cry
Gonna make a pie
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart.
Baby here's the sun
Baby here's the sky
Baby I’m the light and I’m your shelter
Baby you are mine
I could freeze the time
Keep you in my kitchen with me forever
Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with strawberry love
Baby don’t you cry
Gonna make a pie
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart.
Gonna bake a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with butterscotch love
Gonna be a pie from the heaven above
Gonna be filled with banana cream love
Baby don’t you cry
Gonna make a pie
Hold you forever x 2
Hold you forever in the middle of my heart
- Jan 22 Tue 2008 11:49
Quincy Coleman - Baby Don't You Cry